Picture of Thomas Roberts

Thomas McCoy Roberts, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Research in the Roberts laboratory is centered on the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in response to activated tyrosine kinases


Dr. Roberts is a Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School and serves as Co-Chairman for the Department of Cancer Biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Roberts received his PhD from Harvard University where he also completed a postdoctoral fellowship. Dr Roberts’ laboratory has played a key role in the study of signal transduction and its translation into cancer therapy. The first definitive studies on phosphoinositide 3 (PI3) kinase were done by the Roberts lab in collaboration with the lab of Lewis Cantley.  In addition, the Roberts lab pioneered studies on the regulation of the serine/threonine kinase, Raf-1, and first characterized the interaction of 14-3-3 molecules with key signal transducers including Raf-1.   Due to the importance of PI3 kinase in human cancer, Roberts has studied it in detail, collaborating with Jean Zhao to generate conditional knockout mice for the commonly expressed catalytic subunits of PI3K.  The end goal of these studies, determining which isoforms to target in specific cancers, underlies the superior performance of isoform-specific inhibitors in the clinic.  Moreover, Zhao and Roberts gained a new understanding of a surprising functional specialization in the two enzymes (termed p110 and p110): p110 plays the major role in receptor tyrosine kinase and ras signaling, while p110 plays the major part in GPCR signaling and in tumors arising from PTEN loss.  Notably Dr Roberts’ basic research on tyrosine kinases carried out by Drs. Brian Druker and Helen Piwnica-Worms facilitated the kinase inhibitor program at Ciba Geigy, which led to the first successful tyrosine kinase cancer therapeutic, Gleevec.  Similarly, his research collaborations on PI3 kinase has facilitated the development of multiple classes of PI3Kinase inhibitors


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Smith Building, Room 970A

450 Brookline Avenue

Boston, MA 02215

Publications View
ERK-dependent protein phosphorylation in KRAS-mutant cancer: a mix of the expected and surprising.
Authors: Authors: Huang K, Wang Y, Roberts TM.
Trends Biochem Sci
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Editor's Note: Androgen-Induced Differentiation and Tumorigenicity of Human Prostate Epithelial Cells.
Authors: Authors: Berger R, Febbo PG, Majumder PK, Zhao JJ, Mukherjee S, Signoretti S, Thirza Campbell K, Sellers WR, Roberts TM, Loda M, Golub TR, Hahn WC.
Cancer Res
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Correction: Inhibition of the transcriptional kinase CDK7 overcomes therapeutic resistance in HER2-positive breast cancers.
Authors: Authors: Sun B, Mason S, Wilson RC, Hazard SE, Wang Y, Fang R, Wang Q, Yeh ES, Yang M, Roberts TM, Zhao JJ, Wang Q.
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PI3K? maintains the self-renewal of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells by regulating the pentose phosphate pathway.
Authors: Authors: Gu H, Chen C, Hou ZS, He XD, Xie S, Ni J, Qian C, Cheng X, Jiang T, Yang C, Roberts TM, Zheng J, Varner JA, Armstrong SA, Zhao JJ.
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PI3Kß controls immune evasion in PTEN-deficient breast tumours.
Authors: Authors: Bergholz JS, Wang Q, Wang Q, Ramseier M, Prakadan S, Wang W, Fang R, Kabraji S, Zhou Q, Gray GK, Abell-Hart K, Xie S, Guo X, Gu H, Von T, Jiang T, Tang S, Freeman GJ, Kim HJ, Shalek AK, Roberts TM, Zhao JJ.
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More than one route to render tumors resistant to cGAS/STING activation.
Authors: Authors: Manokaran C, Roberts TM, Wang Y.
Trends Pharmacol Sci
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STING agonism overcomes STAT3-mediated immunosuppression and adaptive resistance to PARP inhibition in ovarian cancer.
Authors: Authors: Ding L, Wang Q, Martincuks A, Kearns MJ, Jiang T, Lin Z, Cheng X, Qian C, Xie S, Kim HJ, Launonen IM, Färkkilä A, Roberts TM, Freeman GJ, Liu JF, Konstantinopoulos PA, Matulonis U, Yu H, Zhao JJ.
J Immunother Cancer
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STING agonism reprograms tumor-associated macrophages and overcomes resistance to PARP inhibition in BRCA1-deficient models of breast cancer.
Authors: Authors: Wang Q, Bergholz JS, Ding L, Lin Z, Kabraji SK, Hughes ME, He X, Xie S, Jiang T, Wang W, Zoeller JJ, Kim HJ, Roberts TM, Konstantinopoulos PA, Matulonis UA, Dillon DA, Winer EP, Lin NU, Zhao JJ.
Nat Commun
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Blocking PI3K p110ß Attenuates Development of PTEN-Deficient Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
Authors: Authors: Gao X, Wang Y, Ribeiro CF, Manokaran C, Chang H, Von T, Rodrigues S, Cizmecioglu O, Jia S, Korpal M, Korn JM, Wang Z, Schmit F, Jiang L, Pagliarini R, Yang Y, Sethi I, Signoretti S, Yuan GC, Loda M, Zhao JJ, Roberts TM.
Mol Cancer Res
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The Mediator captures CDK7, an attractive transcriptional target in cancer.
Authors: Authors: Wang Y, Manokaran C, Wu S, Roberts TM.
Cancer Cell
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