All courses in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology are subject to 
limitation in enrollment and will not be offered unless there is sufficient 

For a complete and current listing of all courses offered, please visit DMS 
at HMS

(Last Updated: 04-26-2017)

BCMP Half Courses

BCMP 200. Molecular Biology (every Fall)
BCMP 218. Molecular Medicine (every Fall)
BCMP 228. Macromolecular NMR (Fall, even years)
BCMP 230. Principles and Practice of Drug Development* (every Fall)
BCMP 234. Cellular Metabolism and Human Disease (every Spring)
BCMP 236. Modern Drug Discovery: From Principles to Patients (every Spring)
BCMP 250. Molecular and Biophysical Mechanisms of Signal Transduction (every Spring)

*Course offered at MIT

BCMP Quarter Courses

BCMP 301qc. Translational Pharmacology (bootcamp course)** (every January 
BCMP 302qc. Molecular Movies: Introduction to 3D Visualization with Maya
BCMP 303qc. Molecular Movies: Advanced 3D Visualization with Maya
BCMP 307qc. Molecular Approaches to Drug Discovery and Design (every 
BCMP 309qc. Principles of Drug Action in Man (every Spring)**
BCMP 311qc. Unmet Medical Needs and Translational Solutions (Summer)

**These 2 courses are offered together as the half-semester course BCMP 236.

Courses Offered in Other Departments and Programs

BCMP Faculty also serve as course directors or lecturers in:

Biophysics 242                           Special Topics in Biophysics:
Cell Biology 207                         Vertebrate Developmental Biology
Cell Biology 212                         Biology of the Cancer Cell
Chemical Biology 2200               Introduction to Chemical Biology Bootcamp
Systems Biology 204                   Biomolecular Engineering and Synthetic Biology

For nanocourses and quarter courses, please visit nanos and other 
courses at HMS