The Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Trainee Committee is responsible for addressing the needs of the graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the department. This committee is charged with identifying ways to create a sense of community for students and fellows and to increase interactions between trainees and the faculty. Current initiatives of the committee include the publication of the department newsletter and selecting and hosting a seminar speaker. The Committee meets regularly with faculty and departmental administration to suggest and implement improvements for students and fellows. If you have any concerns or suggestions please contact one of the committee members.
Marie Bao
Kristin Carey
Brandon Case
Andy Chen
Edward Harvey
Olga Kochenova
Yolima Lantigua
Lauren Litzau
Sanjana Mandala Co-Chair
Ryan Marina
Dalton McGlamery
Victor Miranda *Co-Chair
Tim O'Meara
Rachel Ong
Kristen Parker
Owen Price
Julia Rogers
Pradeep Sathyanarayana
Ernst Schmid
Allison Siegenfeld *Co-Chair
Ricarda Torner
Diana Valverde
Man Wu
Maheeshi Yapa Abeywardana