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Shamil R. Sunyaev, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine
Publications View
Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genes.
Authors: Authors: Lawrence MS, Stojanov P, Polak P, Kryukov GV, Cibulskis K, Sivachenko A, Carter SL, Stewart C, Mermel CH, Roberts SA, Kiezun A, Hammerman PS, McKenna A, Drier Y, Zou L, Ramos AH, Pugh TJ, Stransky N, Helman E, Kim J, Sougnez C, Ambrogio L, Nickerson E, Shefler E, Cortés ML, Auclair D, Saksena G, Voet D, Noble M, DiCara D, Lin P, Lichtenstein L, Heiman DI, Fennell T, Imielinski M, Hernandez B, Hodis E, Baca S, Dulak AM, Lohr J, Landau DA, Wu CJ, Melendez-Zajgla J, Hidalgo-Miranda A, Koren A, McCarroll SA, Mora J, Crompton B, Onofrio R, Parkin M, Winckler W, Ardlie K, Gabriel SB, Roberts CWM, Biegel JA, Stegmaier K, Bass AJ, Garraway LA, Meyerson M, Golub TR, Gordenin DA, Sunyaev S, Lander ES, Getz G.
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Sequencing studies in human genetics: design and interpretation.
Authors: Authors: Goldstein DB, Allen A, Keebler J, Margulies EH, Petrou S, Petrovski S, Sunyaev S.
Nat Rev Genet
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Balancing selection on a regulatory region exhibiting ancient variation that predates human-neandertal divergence.
Authors: Authors: Gokcumen O, Zhu Q, Mulder LC, Iskow RC, Austermann C, Scharer CD, Raj T, Boss JM, Sunyaev S, Price A, Stranger B, Simon V, Lee C.
PLoS Genet
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Gain-of-function mutations in the mechanically activated ion channel PIEZO2 cause a subtype of Distal Arthrogryposis.
Authors: Authors: Coste B, Houge G, Murray MF, Stitziel N, Bandell M, Giovanni MA, Philippakis A, Hoischen A, Riemer G, Steen U, Steen VM, Mathur J, Cox J, Lebo M, Rehm H, Weiss ST, Wood JN, Maas RL, Sunyaev SR, Patapoutian A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Impact of deleterious passenger mutations on cancer progression.
Authors: Authors: McFarland CD, Korolev KS, Kryukov GV, Sunyaev SR, Mirny LA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Rare, low-frequency, and common variants in the protein-coding sequence of biological candidate genes from GWASs contribute to risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
Authors: Authors: Diogo D, Kurreeman F, Stahl EA, Liao KP, Gupta N, Greenberg JD, Rivas MA, Hickey B, Flannick J, Thomson B, Guiducci C, Ripke S, Adzhubey I, Barton A, Kremer JM, Alfredsson L, Sunyaev S, Martin J, Zhernakova A, Bowes J, Eyre S, Siminovitch KA, Gregersen PK, Worthington J, Klareskog L, Padyukov L, Raychaudhuri S, Plenge RM.
Am J Hum Genet
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Genomic variation landscape of the human gut microbiome.
Authors: Authors: Schloissnig S, Arumugam M, Sunagawa S, Mitreva M, Tap J, Zhu A, Waller A, Mende DR, Kultima JR, Martin J, Kota K, Sunyaev SR, Weinstock GM, Bork P.
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Deleterious alleles in the human genome are on average younger than neutral alleles of the same frequency.
Authors: Authors: Kiezun A, Pulit SL, Francioli LC, van Dijk F, Swertz M, Boomsma DI, van Duijn CM, Slagboom PE, van Ommen GJ, Wijmenga C, de Bakker PI, Sunyaev SR.
PLoS Genet
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Calibration of multiple in silico tools for predicting pathogenicity of mismatch repair gene missense substitutions.
Authors: Authors: Thompson BA, Greenblatt MS, Vallee MP, Herkert JC, Tessereau C, Young EL, Adzhubey IA, Li B, Bell R, Feng B, Mooney SD, Radivojac P, Sunyaev SR, Frebourg T, Hofstra RM, Sijmons RH, Boucher K, Thomas A, Goldgar DE, Spurdle AB, Tavtigian SV.
Hum Mutat
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Predicting functional effect of human missense mutations using PolyPhen-2.
Authors: Authors: Adzhubei I, Jordan DM, Sunyaev SR.
Curr Protoc Hum Genet
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