Piotr Sliz

Piotr Sliz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Our primary research interest is to understand the molecular details of specialized, noncanonical mechanisms that regulate gene expression.


Our primary research interest is to understand the molecular details of specialized, noncanonical mechanisms that regulate gene expression. Various proteins have evolved to act as specific modulators of genes in order to fine-tune their activity as well as to quickly respond to environmental cues. We focus on investigating the regulators that are directly involved in major human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. By employing biochemical and structural approaches, we not only aim to understand the molecular mechanism, but also to use the details provided by high-resolution structures for identifying potential therapeutic avenues. For appropriate candidate macromolecules we utilize computational techniques such as molecular dynamics and in silico docking to design small molecule inhibitors and to understand their interactions.


C Building, Room 215

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Publications View
Corrigendum: Molecular Dissection of the Primase and Polymerase Activities of Deep-Sea Phage NrS-1 Primase-Polymerase.
Authors: Authors: Huang F, Lu X, Yu C, Sliz P, Wang L, Zhu B.
Front Microbiol
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Structural impact on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by D614G substitution.
Authors: Authors: Zhang J, Cai Y, Xiao T, Lu J, Peng H, Sterling SM, Walsh RM, Rits-Volloch S, Sliz P, Chen B.
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Virtual Screening for Ligand Discovery at the s1 Receptor.
Authors: Authors: Greenfield DA, Schmidt HR, Skiba MA, Mandler MD, Anderson JR, Sliz P, Kruse AC.
ACS Med Chem Lett
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Children's rare disease cohorts: an integrative research and clinical genomics initiative.
Authors: Authors: Rockowitz S, LeCompte N, Carmack M, Quitadamo A, Wang L, Park M, Knight D, Sexton E, Smith L, Sheidley B, Field M, Holm IA, Brownstein CA, Agrawal PB, Kornetsky S, Poduri A, Snapper SB, Beggs AH, Yu TW, Williams DA, Sliz P.
NPJ Genom Med
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RiboToolkit: an integrated platform for analysis and annotation of ribosome profiling data to decode mRNA translation at codon resolution.
Authors: Authors: Liu Q, Shvarts T, Sliz P, Gregory RI.
Nucleic Acids Res
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A nanobody targeting the LIN28:let-7 interaction fragment of TUT4 blocks uridylation of let-7.
Authors: Authors: Yu C, Wang L, Rowe RG, Han A, Ji W, McMahon C, Baier AS, Huang YC, Marion W, Pearson DS, Kruse AC, Daley GQ, Wu H, Sliz P.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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International electronic health record-derived COVID-19 clinical course profiles: the 4CE consortium.
Authors: Authors: Brat GA, Weber GM, Gehlenborg N, Avillach P, Palmer NP, Chiovato L, Cimino J, Waitman LR, Omenn GS, Malovini A, Moore JH, Beaulieu-Jones BK, Tibollo V, Murphy SN, Yi SL, Keller MS, Bellazzi R, Hanauer DA, Serret-Larmande A, Gutierrez-Sacristan A, Holmes JJ, Bell DS, Mandl KD, Follett RW, Klann JG, Murad DA, Scudeller L, Bucalo M, Kirchoff K, Craig J, Obeid J, Jouhet V, Griffier R, Cossin S, Moal B, Patel LP, Bellasi A, Prokosch HU, Kraska D, Sliz P, Tan ALM, Ngiam KY, Zambelli A, Mowery DL, Schiver E, Devkota B, Bradford RL, Daniar M, Daniel C, Benoit V, Bey R, Paris N, Serre P, Orlova N, Dubiel J, Hilka M, Jannot AS, Breant S, Leblanc J, Griffon N, Burgun A, Bernaux M, Sandrin A, Salamanca E, Cormont S, Ganslandt T, Gradinger T, Champ J, Boeker M, Martel P, Esteve L, Gramfort A, Grisel O, Leprovost D, Moreau T, Varoquaux G, Vie JJ, Wassermann D, Mensch A, Caucheteux C, Haverkamp C, Lemaitre G, Bosari S, Krantz ID, South A, Cai T, Kohane IS.
NPJ Digit Med
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Children's rare disease cohorts: an integrative research and clinical genomics initiative.
Authors: Authors: Rockowitz S, LeCompte N, Carmack M, Quitadamo A, Wang L, Park M, Knight D, Sexton E, Smith L, Sheidley B, Field M, Holm IA, Brownstein CA, Agrawal PB, Kornetsky S, Poduri A, Snapper SB, Beggs AH, Yu TW, Williams DA, Sliz P.
NPJ Genom Med
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In silico Screening and Evaluation of Plasmodium falciparum Protein Kinase 5 (PK5) Inhibitors.
Authors: Authors: Eubanks AL, Perkins MM, Sylvester K, Ganley JG, Posfai D, Sanschargrin PC, Hong J, Sliz P, Derbyshire ER.
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mRNA circularization by METTL3-eIF3h enhances translation and promotes oncogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Choe J, Lin S, Zhang W, Liu Q, Wang L, Ramirez-Moya J, Du P, Kim W, Tang S, Sliz P, Santisteban P, George RE, Richards WG, Wong KK, Locker N, Slack FJ, Gregory RI.
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