Picture of Phil Cole

Philip A. Cole, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine and Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Our research involves the chemical biology of protein post-translational modifcations (PTMs) in the context of signaling, epigenetics, and cancer.  We develop and apply chemical approaches including protein semisynthesis and small molecule probes to the study of protein phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, and other PTMs in enzymes and cellular networks. 

Phil Cole graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Chemistry in 1984 and then spent a year as a Churchill Scholar at the University of Cambridge.  Cole went on to obtain M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Johns Hopkins where he pursued research in bioorganic chemistry in 1991.  Cole then entered clinical and post-doctoral training at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School prior to joining Rockefeller University in 1996 as a junior lab head.  In 1999, Cole returned to Johns Hopkins as professor and director of pharmacology where he served until 2017, when he moved to Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital as professor of medicine and biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology.  His research interests are in the area of chemical biology, protein post-translational modifications, cell signaling, and epigenetics.


Our research involves the chemical biology of protein post-translational modifcations (PTMs) in the context of signaling, epigenetics, and cancer.  We develop and apply chemical approaches including protein semisynthesis and small molecule probes to the study of protein phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, and other PTMs in enzymes and cellular networks.  We are currently investigating the functions, regulation, and mechanisms of PTEN lipid phosphatase, Akt protein kinase, NEDD4 ubiquitin ligases, LSD1 histone demethylase, HDAC1 deacetylase, the CoREST complex, and p300/CBP acetyltransferase.  We strive to translate our findings in signaling and epigenetics to identify novel therapeutic opportunities for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.


New Research Building

77 Avenue Louis Pasteur

Room 168C

Boston, MA 02115

Publications View
Phosphorylation-mediated PTEN conformational closure and deactivation revealed with protein semisynthesis.
Authors: Authors: Bolduc D, Rahdar M, Tu-Sekine B, Sivakumaren SC, Raben D, Amzel LM, Devreotes P, Gabelli SB, Cole P.
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Inhibition of ghrelin O-acyltransferase attenuates food deprivation-induced increases in ingestive behavior.
Authors: Authors: Teubner BJ, Garretson JT, Hwang Y, Cole PA, Bartness TJ.
Horm Behav
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Effect of January vacations and prior night call status on resident ABSITE performance.
Authors: Authors: Sugar JG, Chu QD, Cole PA, Li BD, Kim RH.
J Surg Educ
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Construction of human activity-based phosphorylation networks.
Authors: Authors: Newman RH, Hu J, Rho HS, Xie Z, Woodard C, Neiswinger J, Cooper C, Shirley M, Clark HM, Hu S, Hwang W, Jeong JS, Wu G, Lin J, Gao X, Ni Q, Goel R, Xia S, Ji H, Dalby KN, Birnbaum MJ, Cole PA, Knapp S, Ryazanov AG, Zack DJ, Blackshaw S, Pawson T, Gingras AC, Desiderio S, Pandey A, Turk BE, Zhang J, Zhu H, Qian J.
Mol Syst Biol
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Live-cell studies of p300/CBP histone acetyltransferase activity and inhibition.
Authors: Authors: Dancy BM, Crump NT, Peterson DJ, Mukherjee C, Bowers EM, Ahn YH, Yoshida M, Zhang J, Mahadevan LC, Meyers DJ, Boeke JD, Cole PA.
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p300/CBP-associated factor selectively regulates the extinction of conditioned fear.
Authors: Authors: Wei W, Coelho CM, Li X, Marek R, Yan S, Anderson S, Meyers D, Mukherjee C, Sbardella G, Castellano S, Milite C, Rotili D, Mai A, Cole PA, Sah P, Kobor MS, Bredy TW.
J Neurosci
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Identification of targets of c-Src tyrosine kinase by chemical complementation and phosphoproteomics.
Authors: Authors: Ferrando IM, Chaerkady R, Zhong J, Molina H, Jacob HK, Herbst-Robinson K, Dancy BM, Katju V, Bose R, Zhang J, Pandey A, Cole PA.
Mol Cell Proteomics
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MicroRNA-224 is up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma through epigenetic mechanisms.
Authors: Authors: Wang Y, Toh HC, Chow P, Chung AY, Meyers DJ, Cole PA, Ooi LL, Lee CG.
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Azalysine analogues as probes for protein lysine deacetylation and demethylation.
Authors: Authors: Dancy BC, Ming SA, Papazyan R, Jelinek CA, Majumdar A, Sun Y, Dancy BM, Drury WJ, Cotter RJ, Taverna SD, Cole PA.
J Am Chem Soc
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Regulation of Myf5 Early Enhancer by Histone Acetyltransferase p300 during Stem Cell Differentiation.
Authors: Authors: Francetic T, Le May M, Hamed M, Mach H, Meyers D, Cole PA, Chen J, Li Q.
Mol Biol
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