Picture of Andrew Kruse

Andrew Kruse, Ph.D.

Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Our research aims to elucidate the molecular basis of membrane protein signaling using techniques including protein engineering, structural biology, and pharmacology.


Signal transduction across cell membranes plays a central role in human physiology and disease, yet the mechanistic details underlying transmembrane signaling remain poorly understood. Our research aims to elucidate the molecular basis of membrane protein signaling using techniques including protein engineering, structural biology, and pharmacology. In particular, we are focused on the study of proteins important in human health and disease, including G protein-coupled receptors and other proteins that regulate neurotransmission and metabolic homeostasis.

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are cell-surface receptors that regulate neurotransmission, cardiovascular function, metabolic homeostasis, and many other physiological processes. Due to their central role in human physiology, these receptors are among the most important targets of therapeutic drugs, and are they among the most extensively studied proteins. To better understand GPCR signal transduction at a molecular level, we are using structural biology and biophysical methods to study model GPCRs such as muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In addition, we are using new approaches in combinatorial biology to facilitate structural studies and to create protein ligands of GPCRs.

We are also interested in signal transduction pathways that remain less extensively studied than GPCRs, particularly receptors involved in the regulation of human metabolic homeostasis. In the long term, we hope to leverage our understanding of molecular signal transduction to guide the development of new and better therapeutics that modulate these pathways.


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Boston, MA 02115

Publications View
Cryo-EM structure of the B cell co-receptor CD19 bound to the tetraspanin CD81.
Authors: Authors: Susa KJ, Rawson S, Kruse AC, Blacklow SC.
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COVID-19: Famotidine, Histamine, Mast Cells, and Mechanisms.
Authors: Authors: Malone RW, Tisdall P, Fremont-Smith P, Liu Y, Huang XP, White KM, Miorin L, Moreno E, Alon A, Delaforge E, Hennecker CD, Wang G, Pottel J, Blair RV, Roy CJ, Smith N, Hall JM, Tomera KM, Shapiro G, Mittermaier A, Kruse AC, García-Sastre A, Roth BL, Glasspool-Malone J, Ricke DO.
Front Pharmacol
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Rapid generation of potent antibodies by autonomous hypermutation in yeast.
Authors: Authors: Wellner A, McMahon C, Gilman MSA, Clements JR, Clark S, Nguyen KM, Ho MH, Shin JE, Feldman J, Hauser BM, Caradonna TM, Wingler LM, Schmidt AG, Marks DS, Abraham J, Kruse AC, Liu CC.
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COVID-19: Famotidine, Histamine, Mast Cells, and Mechanisms.
Authors: Authors: Malone RW, Tisdall P, Fremont-Smith P, Liu Y, Huang XP, White KM, Miorin L, Del Olmo EM, Alon A, Delaforge E, Hennecker CD, Wang G, Pottel J, Smith N, Hall JM, Shapiro G, Mittermaier A, Kruse AC, García-Sastre A, Roth BL, Glasspool-Malone J, Ricke DO.
Res Sq
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Synthetic nanobodies as angiotensin receptor blockers.
Authors: Authors: McMahon C, Staus DP, Wingler LM, Wang J, Skiba MA, Elgeti M, Hubbell WL, Rockman HA, Kruse AC, Lefkowitz RJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Virtual Screening for Ligand Discovery at the s1 Receptor.
Authors: Authors: Greenfield DA, Schmidt HR, Skiba MA, Mandler MD, Anderson JR, Sliz P, Kruse AC.
ACS Med Chem Lett
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Structural coordination of polymerization and crosslinking by a SEDS-bPBP peptidoglycan synthase complex.
Authors: Authors: Sjodt M, Rohs PDA, Gilman MSA, Erlandson SC, Zheng S, Green AG, Brock KP, Taguchi A, Kahne D, Walker S, Marks DS, Rudner DZ, Bernhardt TG, Kruse AC.
Nat Microbiol
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A dynamic interaction between CD19 and the tetraspanin CD81 controls B cell co-receptor trafficking.
Authors: Authors: Susa KJ, Seegar TC, Blacklow SC, Kruse AC.
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A nanobody targeting the LIN28:let-7 interaction fragment of TUT4 blocks uridylation of let-7.
Authors: Authors: Yu C, Wang L, Rowe RG, Han A, Ji W, McMahon C, Baier AS, Huang YC, Marion W, Pearson DS, Kruse AC, Daley GQ, Wu H, Sliz P.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Mapping and engineering the interaction between adiponectin and T-cadherin.
Authors: Authors: Pascolutti R, Erlandson SC, Burri DJ, Zheng S, Kruse AC.
J Biol Chem
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