Back-up cold storage, -80 Freezers
There are two -80 freezers available for use as emergency back-up, in case your freezer fails, or if you need temporary storage, while defrosting your freezer, for 3 days only.

Shon's Scientific Refrigeration, 24 hr service, (781)-326-1947, should be able to rent you a loaner freezer, diagnose and quote to repair your freezer, in that amount of time.

This will allow a freezer to be available for others, that may be in need. Contents must be arranged in a tidy fashion, so more can be accommodated without rearrangement.

Call Facilities at 2-1901, when the freezers will be opened for any length of time, as the alarm will sound at the control center and Facilities will dispatch a worker to investigate.

There is a 3- ring binder attached to each of the freezer doors, this must be filled out with 24 hr. contact information and the content list of the freezer, in case of any emergency situation.

The -80 “VWR”, (4 shelf, 30”W x 26”D x 12”H),  previously in SGM334 is now in C211.  If the Department -80 is full, please email Rob Loughran for alternatives.

The -20 freezer is now located in LHRRB 028. To get access to this room please email Rob Loughran with your ID# and access will be granted.